ICPCO 2024 Web Proceedings
Current Issue
The International Conference on Port, Coastal, and Offshore Engineering (ICPCO) 2024, organized by Ocean Engineering Program of ITB, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung on 28th November 2024. Current proceeding, some papers are published in ICPCO website and in IOP EES Publishing (presented as direct link to IOP EES).
Abstract Book ICPCO 2024
Published Paper
Assessment of the Jakarta National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) Project post-capital relocation to the Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN)
Dantje Kardana Natakusumah, Indratmo Soekarno, Hendra Achiari, Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho, Fitra Adinata, Aron Hatuaon Marpaung, Jovian Javas, Ahmad Fadlun Harianto Martino, Humaidi and William Christian
PentaPod : a new concrete armor unit – a revolutionary approach to coastal protection
Dantje Kardana Natakusumah, Indratmo Soekarno, Hendra Achiari, Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho, Fitra Adinata, Aron Hatuaon Marpaung, Jovian Javas, Ahmad Fadlun Harianto Martino, Humaidi and William Christian
Sea tolls as Indonesia’s blue economy strategy
Evi Apriani, Syachrul Arief, and Asep Adang Supriyadi
Transportation challenges for onshore wind turbine power plant development in Indonesia
Maria Angelin Naiborhu, Dwi Rahayu Purwanti, Silvia Dewi Kumalasari, Muhamad Kemal Idris, Cokorda Bagus Purnama Dwisa, Ali Sumara Elkhomei, and Yani Nurita Purnawanti
Brackish peat water desalination treatment using a combination of continuous electrocoagulation and filtration technique
Mochammad Meddy Danial, Fitri Imansyah, Stefanus Barlian Soeryamassoeka, Rizki Purnaini, Rozin Dhiyaul Haq, and Muhammad Zidan Zain
Seismic risk assessment on pile-supported wharf using reliability-based approach
Aris Aryanto and Ersadi Wiguna
The resistance of Traditional Phinisi Boats: an examination of the effect of bilge keel length using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Eka Suendra Putra and Eko Charnius Ilman
Determination of optimal vessel for Tol Laut Container Program: T-2 Tol Laut route case study
Muhammad Weldy Hermawan and Muslim Muin
Wave shoaling and its interaction with mangrove
N A Christien and I Magdalena
Experimental and numerical evaluation of tsunami wave reduction through the implementation of sea dikes and trenches
Hany Qoshirotur Rif’atin, Ikha Magdalena, Widjo Kongko, and Mohammad Farid
Analytical and numerical studies of wave attenuation using mangroves and submerged breakwaters for coastal protection
Vinsensia Ferren and Ikha Magdalena
A hybrid structure to reduce wave overtopping in urban coast of Jakarta
Octareza Siahaan and Hiroshi Takagi
Morphodynamic modelling of Bandar Lampung Coast
Muhammad Fatkhurrozi, Mustarakh Gelfi, and Aji Suraji
SWOT analysis of the new capital city based on the integrated coastal zone management approach
Destyariani Liana Putri, Nurmawati, A Dianiswara, and M K Wirawan
Modeling of potential earthquake-generated tsunami wave hazard in the coastal area of Kelumbayan Subdistrict, Lampung, Indonesia
Davin Ridho Alfath, Mohammad Bagus Adityawan, Mohammad Farid, Arno Adi Kuntoro, Widyaningtias, M Gilang Indra Mardika, and Dyah Kusumastuti
Near-bed flow dynamics and bed shear stress in a mangrove-vegetated estuary
Faruq Khadami, Totok Suprijo, Alfiansyah Rizky Hidayat, Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane, Ayi Tarya, and Gandhi Napitupulu
The effect of jetty layout on waves at TPI Beach, Lumajang Regency with Delft3D modelling
Afifa Nurchalim, Retno Utami Agung Wiyono, Wiwik Yunarni Widiarti, and Entin Hidayah
Flood inundation hazard mapping and vulnerability analysis in the downstream area of the Cipunagara River Basin of Indonesia using Google Earth Engine
Hendra Achiari, Gurusu, Ravindra Jayaratne, and Reynaldi J. Purba
Estimation of wave transmission coefficient for natural coastal shore protection using data driven predictive model “genetic programming”
Suciana, Nita Yuanita, and Alamsyah Kurniawan
Coastal flood modelling of Jakarta using the SFINCS, a reduced-physics solver with high computational efficiency
Rafi Ahmadi Yusuf, Munawir Bintang Pratama, Entin A. Karjadi, and Hiroshi Takagi
The effect of the construction method on the tombolo process at Palabuhanratu seaport
Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho, Cipta Riyana, Dantje Kardana Natakusumah, Dedi Nurpadilah, Widyaningtias, Fatma Nurkhaerani, Siska Wulandari, Hana Syakira, Ken Wiralino Taredja, and Benedictus Arie Moniaga
Understanding the sedimentation process in Tanjung Carat, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Ahmad M Firdaus, Rajin Sihombing, and Arya P Iwantoro
Study of the seasonal and interannual shoreline changes in Pesaren Beach, North Bangka, Indonesia
Munawir Pratama, Entin A. Karjadi, Billy Y. Anugrah, and Devi U. Tias
Numerical dynamic analysis of single point wave energy converter
Abid Arham, Philipp Thies, Ajit Pillai
Effect of fish nets hydrodynamics on aero-hydro-servo-elastic aspect of new concept floating wind turbine combine for an offshore aquaculture unit
Murdjito, Gumilang Alhafiz, Salsabila Tsaniatur Rahma, Eko Budi Djatmiko, Fajar Rachmadiarto
Scaling and modeling strategy for two-dimensional physical model of near-shore floating photovoltaic structure
Maria Angelin Naiborhu, Ahmad Mukhlis Firdaus, Farid Putra Bakti, Eko Charnius Ilman, Ricky Lukman Tawekal
Resource assessment and performance analysis of the tidal bridge in Larantuka Strait, Indonesia
Michael Suryaprawira, Ahmad Mukhlis Firdaus, Alamsyah Kurniawan
Tidal energy storage simulation in Larantuka Strait using non-orthogonal 3D hydrodynamic model
Arung Bahari Muslim, Muslim Muin, Fatwa Islami Azfa
Identification of tidal current renewable energy potency: study case of Moa Strait, Southwest Maluku, Indonesia
Fatchur Rahman, Anasya Arsita Laksmi, Munawir Bintang Pratama, Muhamad Weldy Hermawan, Muhammad Hamzah Fansuri, Pungky Dharma Saputra
Empowering local sustainability: assessing small-scale wind energy potential offshore Enggano Island for independent renewable communities
Mochammad Fathurridho Hermanto, Elsa Rizkiya Kencana, Nafisa Nandalianadhira, Revie Aditia, Fadlillah Ihsan
Effectiveness of jet grouting for liquefaction remediation – a numerical case study in Cilegon, North Coast of Java Island
Sugeng Krisnanto, Muhammad Faizal, I Wayan Sengara, Yuamar Imarrazan Basarah, Dayu Apoji
Effect of cracking in fly ash concrete on chloride diffusion rate
Sri Murti Adiyastuti, Briyandi Iqbal, Eko Charnius Ilman
Lateral pressure on piles in soft cohesive soil due to adjacent embankment filling: A comparative study of 2D and 3D finite element analyses
Azka Syarifa Amani, Endra Susila
Engineering critical assessment of subsea pipeline
Santi Frestiqauli, Ricky Lukman Tawekal, Ahmad Taufik
Prediction of operating offshore wind farms underwater noise from reanalysis of single point underwater noise measurement
Mahardika Firjatullah, Irsan Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Farid Putra Bakti
Dynamic response of a jacket lower module in the decommissioning lifting operation
M Lurohman Mamin, Rildova, Gabril Kautsar Maldini
Wave parameter selection criteria in spectral fatigue analysis of four legs fixed platform
M Lurohman Mamin, Rildova, Annes Rikci Parmonangan Siahaan
Quantitative risk-based inspection analysis for assessing offshore structure
Arianta, Riska Putri Budiana, Ridha Sena Negara
Numerical assessment of subsea pipeline global performance under dragged anchor pullover forces
Eko Charnius Ilman, Farel Muhammad Elan, Jessica Rikanti Tawekal