Sponsorship Package

Package Description
Benefit :
1. Sponsor spotlight presentation
- Video presentation during registration
- Video bumper
2. 1 (One) exhibition space
3. 1 (One) page advertisement in the proceedings
4. Exclusive signage right in all conference area (Plenary and Parallel Session)
5. Recognition as Diamond Sponsor and company logo on:
- Conference cover proceeding and kit (satchels and block note)
- Background panel on conference (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Outdoor banners, vertical banners, outdoor and indoor graphic of international conference and exhibition (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Participant name tags
- Website ICPCO (with link to sponsor website)
6. Acknowledge in event advertisement (international conference and exhibition) on media partner (electronic or printed).
7. Complementary:
- 4 invitations as participant in international conference of ICPCO.
8. 1 (One) presentation in the international conference of ICPCO.
Benefit :
1. 1 (One) exhibition space
2. Half page advertisement in the proceedings
3. Recognition as Platinum Sponsor and company logo on:
- Conference cover proceeding and kit (satchels and block note)
- Background panel on conference (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Outdoor banners, vertical banners, billboards, poster, outdoor and indoor graphic of international conference and exhibition and student competition (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Participant name tags.
- Website ICPCO (with link to sponsor website)
4. Acknowledge in event advertisement (international conference and exhibition) on media partner (electronic or printed).
5. Complementary:
- 2 invitations as participant in international conference of ICPCO
Benefit :
1. Quarter page advertisement in the conference proceedings.
2. Recognition as Gold Sponsor and company logo on:
- Background panel on conference (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Outdoor banners, vertical banners, billboards, poster, outdoor and indoor graphic of international conference and exhibition and student competition (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Participant name tags.
- Website ICPCO (with link to sponsor website)
3. Complementary:
- 1 (One) invitations as participant in international conference of ICPCO.
Benefit :
1. Recognition as Silver Sponsor and company logo on:
- Background panel on conference (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Outdoor banners, vertical banners, billboards, poster, outdoor and indoor graphic of international conference and exhibition and student competition (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Participant name tags.
- Website ICPCO (with link to sponsor website)
2. Complementary:
- 1 invitations as participant in international conference of ICPCO.
Benefit :
1. Recognition as Bronze Sponsor and company logo on:
- Background panel on conference (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Outdoor banners, vertical banners, billboards, poster, outdoor and indoor graphic of international conference and exhibition and student competition (layout on material sponsorship will be arranged by committee)
- Participant name tags.
- Website ICPCO (with link to sponsor website)
2. Complementary:
- 1 invitations as participant in international conference of ICPCO.
Benefit :
1. Exclusive signage right in each special spot
2. Acknowledgement on each special spot of the conference
Sponsorship Registration
ICPCO 2024 Sponsorship Registration Form
Contact us:
Email: sekretariat.icpco@itb.ac.id
WhatsApp: wa.me/6282295561599

We also accept donations for companies or individuals who wish to participate in this event via the following account:
Bank BNI VA Number : 7023702321000524
Billing ID: PM10052024
Name: ITB – The International Conference on Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering (ICPCO-2024)
Customer Email: sekretariat.icpco@itb.ac.id
Customer Phone: +628122112763
Description: Seminar Internasional ICPCO 2024